Reiser i livet

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Location: Oslo, Oslo, Norway

Livet er en reise. Jeg tror at vi mennesker er et produkt av våre opplevelser. Denne bloggen ble først og fremst opprettet som en dagbok for sanselige inntrykk underveis på turer jeg oftest utfører på egenhånd. Høst og tidlig vinter i 2019 la jeg ut på en 10 ukers reise gjennom Malta, Kypros, Libanon, Jordan og Oman. Det meste av turen ble gjennomført på egenhånd. Unntakene var i Jordan der venninne Anne-Kari var sammen med deg de fleste dagene, og Oman der kollega Kristin møtte meg for 10 dager. Jeg fløy av gårde den 12. oktober og kom hjem en mørk, våt og ugjestmild førjulsdag; 20. desember. Så kom 2020 og en pandemi som satte stopper for videre globetrotting. Har i alle fall fått dokumentert en soloreise til Andøya og Vesterålen. Nå er det mer i vente. Et nytt ord er kommet ut av pandemien. Workation. Passer meg utmerket. Har stor tro på at med god planlegging vil jeg kunne reise, oppleve og jobbe samtidig.

Sunday, January 28, 2007


"Mma Makutsi put on the kettle and, watched by Mma Ramotswe, she ladled into the new tea-pot a quantity of her tea, her ordinary tea. Then she fetched Mma Ramotswe's tea-pot, which looked distinctly battered beside the fine new china tea-pot, and into this she put the correct quatity of bush tea. They waited for the kettle to boil, each of them silent, each of them alone with her thoughts. Mma Makutsi was thinking with relief of the generous response that Mma Ramotswe had shown to her confession, which seemed so like an act of disloyalty, of treachery even. Her employer had made it so easy that she felt a flood og gratitude for her. Mma Ramotswe was undoubtedly one of the finest women in all Botswana. Mma Makutsi had always known this, but here was another instance which spoke to those qualities of undeerstanding and sympathy. And for her part, Mma Ramotswe thought of what a loyal, fine woman was Mma Makutsi. Other employees would have complained, or moaned abput drinking tea they did not like, but she had said nothing. And more than that, she had given the impression that she was enjoying what was given to her, as a polite guest will eat and drink what is laid upon the host's table. This was further evidence of those very qualities which obviously had been revealed at the Botswana Secreterial College and which had resulted in her astonishingly high marks. Mma Makutsi was surely a gem."

Tekst hentet fra "In the Company of Cheerful Ladies" av Alexander McCall Smith / Bilde fra Basecamp Travel